Kamis, 30 November 2017

7 Peluang Usaha bagi Mahasiswa


Business opportunities for students

Campus is a place for students to gain knowledge. But for students who are creative, as well as a place to study, the campus is also a place to learn to open a side business. It can even be used to pioneer a more serious business, as the beginning of a business that will be occupied after graduating college later. There are many facts that prove that the campus in addition to be a place to study course materials, also became the starting point of students to pioneer the business from scratch.

There are many business opportunities that can be attempted by students, whether businesses that require large capital or who do not need capital. Business students can be either an online business or a business that runs real. With the business that we live as a student it will deliver us to success in the future, with the record we must live with serious and spirit.

With the existence of business does not mean will disrupt our education, because the first goal is to run education well. Business and business is my side business, to fill my spare time.

As a student of course we want a side income, but sometimes we are confused bangaimana get it. for that I make a video about business opportunities suitable for students.

Peluang usaha bagi mahasiswa
Kampus merupakan tempat bagi mahasiswa untuk menimba ilmu. Namun bagi mahasiswa yang kreatif, selain sebagai tempat menimba ilmu, kampus juga menjadi tempat belajar membuka bisnis sampingan. Bahkan dapat digunakan untuk merintis bisnis yang lebih serius, sebagai awal dari bisnis yang akan ditekuni setelah lulus kuliah nantinya. Sudah banyak fakta yang membuktikan bahwa kampus selain menjadi tempat belajar materi kuliah, juga menjadi titik awal mahasiswa untuk merintis bisnis dari nol.
Ada banyak peluang bisnis yang dapat dicoba mahasiswa, baik bisnis yang membutuhkan modal besar maupun yang tidak memerlukan modal. Bisnis mahasiswa dapat berupa bisnis online maupun bisnis yang dijalankan secara nyata. Dengan bisnis yang kita jalani saat masih menjadi mahasiswa ini akan menghantarkan kita menuju kesuksesan dimasa yang akan datang, dengan catatan kita harus menjalaninya dengan serius dan semangat.
Dengan adanya bisnis bukan berarti akan menggangu pendidikan kita, karena tujuan pertamanya yaitu menjalankan pendidikan dengan baik. Usaha dan bisnis adalah usaha sampingan saya, untuk mengisi waktu luang.

Sebagai mahasiswa tentunya kita menginginkan adanya pemasukan sampingan, tapi kadang kita bingung bangaimana mendapatkannya. untuk itu saya membuat video tentang peluang usaha yang cocok untuk mahasiswa.

Minggu, 26 November 2017

watu ulo is my favorite traveling

Hi friends😊 
Meet again with my post, how's it going? Still healthy all dong? Thank goodness that you are all healthy.
My posting times is a favorite place when walking the streets or during the holidays ,, Happy reading this post ðŸ˜Š
My favorite place is the beach, the beach is a comfortable and beautiful place to be a place to relax or vacation. I chose the beach ''Watu Ulo'' located in Jember District East Java, precisely in Sumber Rejo Village Ambulu District as my favorite place, Watu Ulo name is taken from Javanese language. ''Watu'' which means ''stone'' and ''ulo'' which means ''snake''. Given the name ulo watu because rocks that protrude ketepi sea resembles snake scales.

The beginning of my story to get to this beach is, when I want to continue my education in eastern Java, I fly from West Kalimantan to Surabaya by plane, and continue using the car to Jember (ambulu). Arriving there and after a few days I met a new friend. this new friend who brought me this beach. And this is the second time I was on the beach, which I previously vacation on the Kura kura beach.

I am very happy to visit this beach, this is the most remote place I've ever visited for now, this beach is very comfortable to relax, cool beach for us to spend free time, sea breeze that can make our heart cool, sand colored black makes this beach more visible beautiful, because most beaches have white sand and brownish, rows of small islands in the middle of the sea and mountains that march along the beach makes the scenery at Watu Ulo Beach more beautiful.😊 To be able to to the beach this we use two-wheeled vehicles approximately 20 minutes from my family's home.

I think my post is quite about this favorite place, and for friends who want to visit there and stay overnight, you should bring a tent or provide a place to rest there, because beach location is no lodging. As for lodging, it is quite far from the location of the beach.

My best friend

In this post I want to tell my best friend, or who is usually called a friend.

I had a friend when I was in school. His name is Wawan. Wawan is the second of four children, the first child is male, third child is also male, and the fourth woman. Wawan's house is on Jl. Merdeka Timur km 2.

We were friends since the beginning of school at SMK N 1 Sekadau in majoring in TITL (Technical Installation of Electric Power). Although we are not a class does not mean we can not be friends, we follow extracurricular nature lovers at our school, that is where we feel very familiar until now, wawan is the type of good person, he likes to help fellow friends who need his help.

What I love about wawan is his kindness and adventure, when the matter of kindness is sure dong I like. If the adventure was more like it, because I like adventure. Especially adventure with him, uhhh exclaimed.

The thing that I did not like about him was that when he went to school he often skipped, and when he was sleeping he must have wake up, he was a lazy man. but that did not affect me when he was friends.

I think that's enough of my story about my best friend. See you in the next post friends😊