Senin, 30 Oktober 2017

My favorite food,, nyamiii

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Hi friends, meet again with me Choirul Suroso the man who is hard smile, he said. Hehe๐Ÿ˜ƒ . well, in my submission this time I'll tell you a bit about my faforit food and review the food. Hmmm๐Ÿ˜Š, my faforit food is actually a lot of hell, there are chicken satay, chicken noodles, fried rice and chocolate. Although sometimes often toothache because of eating chocolate, but I still like the same name brown. Because the sweetness is different, like me when I'm smiling, wkwk๐Ÿ˜„.
Okay, we go on to the core of my discussion.
Lucky you guys if you like this one food. That is, fried rice. This time I will choose fried rice as my review material.
Why do I choose fried rice? anyone can answer?
Well, here's the answer. Because I like to eat, does not mean I want to eat anything yes,, of course I also have an option. This fried rice is not too tempting my taste, because the look and presentation are ordinary. I think the look is not enough for us to judge a food if it is not tasted at all, well for that you should taste the food you want to eat.
And it's true what I said earlier, this fried rice is very tasty. It also fits with my salty tongue. Besides this fried rice is worth the price with wallet and boarding children, the price is only Rp.12.000-, this is very affordable for this cuisine. So hungry, ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹.
This fried rice is called "Fried Rice Abu" located not far from where I live. Jl. Sui Raya Dalam, southeast pontianak.
Well, for anyone who read this post and interested to taste the food ,, do not forget to invite me. . ! hee๐Ÿ˜–.
My review of this ash fried rice, may be useful for those of you who may be difficult to find a place to eat delicious and cheap.
One sentence from me "my mother's cooking is not less delicious with this goren rice "hmmm.
Waasalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

Senin, 23 Oktober 2017

Playing spinning (Sepeda statis)


Cycling includes light exercise but it is relaxing to do anybody at any age. Although including light exercise cycling is very useful for health as well as aerobic exercise, jogging or walking.
Cycling can be done directly on the ground or can also be done safely in the room, using a spinning bike or commonly called a static bike.

Spinning bike or static bike. 
Clear cycling will help increase vitality, burn calories and also relieve stress. How to bike, just sit on the saddle and benefit will be obtained.  cycling has great benefits to strengthen cardio. At least to burn calories this body of this race is the right sport. "Cycling can burn 300 calories per hour at medium speed, 400 calories per hour at high speeds and 700 calories by mountain biking on a heavy field for 1 hour," Another benefit of cycling is to burn fat and tighten muscles.


Bersepeda termasuk olahraga ringan namun tetap santai dilakukan siapa saja di segala usia. Meski termasuk olahraga ringan bersepeda sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan seperti halnya senam aerobik, jogging atau jalan kaki. Bersepeda bisa dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan atau bisa juga dilakukan secara aman di dalam ruangan, dengan menggunakan spinning bike atau biasa disebut sepeda statis.

Spinning bike atau sepeda statis.

Yang jelas bersepeda akan membantu meningkatkan vitalitas, membakar kalori dan juga menghilangkan stres.
Bagaimana cara bersepeda, coba duduk saja di atas sadel dan manfaat akan diperoleh.
 bersepeda memiliki manfaat yang besar untuk menguatkan kardio. Setidaknya untuk membakar kalori tubuh bersepesa ini adalah olahraga yang tepat. "Bersepeda bisa membakar 300 kalori per jam dengan kecepatan sedang, 400 kalori per jam dengan kecepatan tinggi dan 700 kalori dengan bersepeda gunung di medan berat selama 1 jam," Manfaat lain dari bersepeda adalah membakar lemak dan mengencangkan otot.

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

My ambitions

What is the purpose of life? 
Do not let every day flow without you knowing what your goals are going through the days.

If your goal is to finish your work, do it with happiness. Determined and pray what you did today is not in vain. Be excited as if your goal will be tomorrow. So with this I set goals, ambitions, and dreams. So that everything I aspire to achieve is achieved.

A person can have ambition because of his dreams to reach everything. I am very grateful I can at the level of education at the University of Tanjungpura, because not everyone can continue this education, because it is inhibited by costs or because of the pressures of life is very urgent for us to work.

And thank God thanks to the blessing of God and parents, what I dreamed during my current vocational school can be realized, which can be extended to the course I want, that is Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tanjungpura.

Not satisfied just being able to study at the university Tanjungpura, my ambition too much, the first I must complete my education no more than 5 years from now. My other ambition is to make my own, but it will take a long time and certainly a good knowledge. Well, my dream is that I will save it until the right time for me to make not just a talk.

My goal should be too complicated. that is, with i can finish this education i will make me old. Because in our family no one can finish tarakan college, a happiness also for me when I can finish this education.
I do not really expect to me as very good as people like. With me I can just graduate and thank God really thankful. I wish I could be a good person to be useful for the community around his own life.

"Do not think to be better than the best, it is will make us dizzy alone, think the best for yourself, because not necessarily others will be better than us".