Reading discussion (group work)
1. How many levels of government does Indonesia have? Mention each one of them
3. If you can choose one provinces out side kalimantan in indonesia to live in. What provinces will you choose? and why? describe from your study major prespectively.
4. With your group members, create a short presentation to explain about the differences
between the U.S government and the Indonesia government.
Answer :
1. Center govertment, that is: President, MPR, DPR, and Other
3. West Java, because well from know ledge eourse mechanical enginering that in a pleace ITB (Institue Technologi Bandung)
4. Contrast america and indonesia that is america have weapon forbidden will think that.
Jumat, 15 Desember 2017
Article David Browne
Group name :
Rofiq Gunawan. D1131171008
Choirul Suroso. D1131171023
Setting : Rice goreeng abu in Serdam
Situation : A bright night, and amidst the buyers crowd
I : Hi Rofiq
R : Hi well rul
I : Later night, did not you come out?
R : Got time, where are you going?
I : Want to invite you to eat, and eat ash fried rice
R : Okay, what time will I pick up?
I : Later night, at 7 pm I pick you up at house !
R : yes, I wait at home
I : What do you want?
R : What is the favorite menu here?
I : Fried rice, because the fried rice here is delicious. It was different from other fried rice,
the price is also cheap, it is suitable for us this boarding boy. hehe
R : Oh yes. Okay , I ordered fried rice only
I : hmm, what's your goal after this college?
R : My goal after this lecture is to set up jobs in the yard, whose purpose is to protect
the people and reduce unemployment rates.
I : ohh, so
that's your goal. You have the best friend does not?
R : Got, so what?
I : I want to
tell you a bit about my best friend
R : oh yes, please
I : I have a
friend of his name Wawan, he is my friend while studying at Vocational High School
1 Sekadau.
R : ohh, the guy how rul? Good or not?
I : he person is good enough, he often helps me when I need help, people are fun,
we also often adventure together.
R : ohh, lucky yeah, have friends like wawan
I : yes of
course. do you like traveling?
R : Likes really, why rul?
I : hmm, just like me. Where is your favorite place?
R : My favorite place is quite challenging hell, that is Mount Merapi located in Magelang.
Central Java. Here the place is very beautiful, comfortable, and has a beautiful natural scenery,
this area is perfect for holidays, camping, and more .. but remember, we also must be vigilant,
because this active volcano.
I : hmm, it's
so cool, so want to vacation there.
R : yes rul, when are we going there?
I : Okay, it's been tell the story. See you next time.
R : yes, see you again.
Kamis, 30 November 2017
7 Peluang Usaha bagi Mahasiswa
Business opportunities for students
Campus is a place for students to gain knowledge. But for students who are creative, as well as a place to study, the campus is also a place to learn to open a side business. It can even be used to pioneer a more serious business, as the beginning of a business that will be occupied after graduating college later. There are many facts that prove that the campus in addition to be a place to study course materials, also became the starting point of students to pioneer the business from scratch.
There are many business opportunities that can be attempted by students, whether businesses that require large capital or who do not need capital. Business students can be either an online business or a business that runs real. With the business that we live as a student it will deliver us to success in the future, with the record we must live with serious and spirit.
With the existence of business does not mean will disrupt our education, because the first goal is to run education well. Business and business is my side business, to fill my spare time.
As a student of course we want a side income, but sometimes we are confused bangaimana get it. for that I make a video about business opportunities suitable for students.
usaha bagi mahasiswa
Kampus merupakan tempat
bagi mahasiswa untuk menimba ilmu. Namun bagi mahasiswa yang kreatif, selain
sebagai tempat menimba ilmu, kampus juga menjadi tempat belajar membuka bisnis
sampingan. Bahkan dapat digunakan untuk merintis bisnis yang lebih serius, sebagai
awal dari bisnis yang akan ditekuni setelah lulus kuliah nantinya. Sudah
banyak fakta yang membuktikan bahwa kampus selain menjadi tempat belajar materi
kuliah, juga menjadi titik awal mahasiswa untuk merintis bisnis dari nol.
Ada banyak peluang bisnis yang
dapat dicoba mahasiswa, baik bisnis yang membutuhkan modal besar maupun yang
tidak memerlukan modal. Bisnis mahasiswa dapat berupa bisnis online maupun
bisnis yang dijalankan secara nyata. Dengan
bisnis yang kita jalani saat masih menjadi mahasiswa ini akan menghantarkan
kita menuju kesuksesan dimasa yang akan datang, dengan catatan kita harus
menjalaninya dengan serius dan semangat.
adanya bisnis bukan berarti akan menggangu pendidikan kita, karena tujuan
pertamanya yaitu menjalankan pendidikan dengan baik. Usaha dan bisnis adalah
usaha sampingan saya, untuk mengisi waktu luang.
mahasiswa tentunya kita menginginkan adanya pemasukan sampingan, tapi kadang
kita bingung bangaimana mendapatkannya. untuk itu saya membuat video tentang
peluang usaha yang cocok untuk mahasiswa.
Minggu, 26 November 2017
watu ulo is my favorite traveling
The beginning of my story to get to this beach is, when I want to continue my education in eastern Java, I fly from West Kalimantan to Surabaya by plane, and continue using the car to Jember (ambulu). Arriving there and after a few days I met a new friend. this new friend who brought me this beach. And this is the second time I was on the beach, which I previously vacation on the Kura kura beach.
I am very happy to visit this beach, this is the most remote place I've ever visited for now, this beach is very comfortable to relax, cool beach for us to spend free time, sea breeze that can make our heart cool, sand colored black makes this beach more visible beautiful, because most beaches have white sand and brownish, rows of small islands in the middle of the sea and mountains that march along the beach makes the scenery at Watu Ulo Beach more beautiful.😊 To be able to to the beach this we use two-wheeled vehicles approximately 20 minutes from my family's home.
I think my post is quite about this favorite place, and for friends who want to visit there and stay overnight, you should bring a tent or provide a place to rest there, because beach location is no lodging. As for lodging, it is quite far from the location of the beach.
My best friend
In this post I want to tell my best friend, or who is
usually called a friend.
Senin, 30 Oktober 2017
My favorite food,, nyamiii
Senin, 23 Oktober 2017
Playing spinning (Sepeda statis)
Cycling includes light exercise but it is relaxing to do anybody at any age. Although including light exercise cycling is very useful for health as well as aerobic exercise, jogging or walking.
Cycling can be done directly on the ground or can also be done safely in the room, using a spinning bike or commonly called a static bike.
Spinning bike or static bike.
Clear cycling will help increase vitality, burn calories and also relieve stress. How to bike, just sit on the saddle and benefit will be obtained. cycling has great benefits to strengthen cardio. At least to burn calories this body of this race is the right sport. "Cycling can burn 300 calories per hour at medium speed, 400 calories per hour at high speeds and 700 calories by mountain biking on a heavy field for 1 hour," Another benefit of cycling is to burn fat and tighten muscles.
Spinning bike atau sepeda statis.
Cycling includes light exercise but it is relaxing to do anybody at any age. Although including light exercise cycling is very useful for health as well as aerobic exercise, jogging or walking.
Cycling can be done directly on the ground or can also be done safely in the room, using a spinning bike or commonly called a static bike.
Spinning bike or static bike.
Clear cycling will help increase vitality, burn calories and also relieve stress. How to bike, just sit on the saddle and benefit will be obtained. cycling has great benefits to strengthen cardio. At least to burn calories this body of this race is the right sport. "Cycling can burn 300 calories per hour at medium speed, 400 calories per hour at high speeds and 700 calories by mountain biking on a heavy field for 1 hour," Another benefit of cycling is to burn fat and tighten muscles.
Bersepeda termasuk olahraga ringan namun tetap santai dilakukan siapa saja
di segala usia. Meski termasuk olahraga ringan bersepeda sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan
seperti halnya senam aerobik, jogging atau jalan kaki. Bersepeda bisa dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan atau bisa juga
dilakukan secara aman di dalam ruangan, dengan menggunakan spinning bike atau
biasa disebut sepeda statis.
Yang jelas bersepeda akan membantu meningkatkan vitalitas, membakar kalori
dan juga menghilangkan stres.
Bagaimana cara bersepeda, coba duduk saja di atas sadel dan manfaat akan
bersepeda memiliki manfaat yang
besar untuk menguatkan kardio. Setidaknya untuk membakar kalori tubuh bersepesa ini adalah olahraga yang
tepat. "Bersepeda bisa membakar 300 kalori per jam dengan kecepatan sedang,
400 kalori per jam dengan kecepatan tinggi dan 700 kalori dengan bersepeda
gunung di medan berat selama 1 jam," Manfaat lain dari bersepeda adalah
membakar lemak dan mengencangkan otot.
Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017
My ambitions
What is the purpose of life?Do not let every day flow without you knowing what your goals are going through the days.
If your goal is to finish your work, do it with happiness. Determined and pray what you did today is not in vain. Be excited as if your goal will be tomorrow. So with this I set goals, ambitions, and dreams. So that everything I aspire to achieve is achieved.
A person can have ambition because of his dreams to reach everything. I am very grateful I can at the level of education at the University of Tanjungpura, because not everyone can continue this education, because it is inhibited by costs or because of the pressures of life is very urgent for us to work.
And thank God thanks to the blessing of God and parents, what I dreamed during my current vocational school can be realized, which can be extended to the course I want, that is Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tanjungpura.
Not satisfied just being able to study at the university Tanjungpura, my ambition too much, the first I must complete my education no more than 5 years from now. My other ambition is to make my own, but it will take a long time and certainly a good knowledge. Well, my dream is that I will save it until the right time for me to make not just a talk.
My goal should be too complicated. that is, with i can finish this education i will make me old. Because in our family no one can finish tarakan college, a happiness also for me when I can finish this education.
I do not really expect to me as very good as people like. With me I can just graduate and thank God really thankful. I wish I could be a good person to be useful for the community around his own life.
"Do not think to be better than the best, it is will make us dizzy alone, think the best for yourself, because not necessarily others will be better than us".
Jumat, 29 September 2017
Let the picture speak
West Kalimantan Museum, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Pontianak
West Kalimantan Provincial Museum (Kalbar). The museum is located in downtown Pontianak (Jalan Ahmad Yani), standing opposite the Governor Hall of West Kalimantan. West Kalimantan Province Museum was started in 1974 by the Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Project Rehabilitation and Expansion Museum of West Kalimantan.
With the existence of this museum, we can know the pontianak city pengingalan, which previously we may not have known it at all.
Museum Propinsi Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar). Museum ini terletak di pusat kota Pontianak (Jalan Ahmad Yani), berdiri di seberang Aula Gubernur Kalimantan Barat. Museum Provinsi Kalimantan Barat ini dimulai sejak tahun 1974 oleh Kantor Wilayah Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan melalui Proyek Rehabilitasi dan Ekspansi Museum Kalimantan Barat.
Dengan adanya musium ini, kita dapat mengetahui peningalan-peningalan kota pontianak, yang sebelumnya mungkin kita belum mengetahuinya sama sekali.
Bingke Cake (Kue Bingke)
Bingke cake is a typical food pontianak city is good and cheap, per box valued Rp. 15.000, - up to Rp.25.000, -Ida Tifani for example, he is one of the makers of Bingke Berendam cake is already very famous in the city of Pontianak. His house is located at Jalan Adi Sucipto, Kelurahan Bansir Laut, Pontianak Southeast District, Pontianak City which became the central business of making this bingke cake.
This Bingke cake is a traditional food made from rice flour, eggs, sugar and coconut milk. The process of making it should be 2 times baked new can be eaten, first on the fire stove then in the oven to ripen it.
Kue bingke merupakan makanan khas kota pontianak yang enak dan murah, per kotak dihargai Rp. 15.000,- hingga Rp.25.000,-
Ida Tifani contohnya, dia adalah salah satu pembuat Kue Bingke Berendam ini yang sudah sangat terkenal di Kota Pontianak. Rumahnya yang beralamat di Jalan Adi Sucipto, Kelurahan Bansir Laut, Kecamatan Pontianak Tenggara, Kota Pontianak yang menjadi sentral usaha pembuatan kue bingke ini.
Kue Bingke ini adalah makanan tradisional yang terbuat dari tepung beras, telur, gula dan santan. Proses pembuatannya harus 2 kali dipanggang baru bisa dimakan, pertama di atas api kompor kemudian di dalam oven untuk mematangkannya.
Rabu, 27 September 2017
Reading discussion
1. How
is the college/university system in the U.S different from the
system in Indonesia?
2. Which
one do you prefer: to decide on your major early in your college year or later?
3. Why
do you choose to study at Mechanical Enginering is study major?
4. What
do you think can be improved from the college/university system in Indonesia?
1. The difference of university system in u.s
with university system in indonesia is sks/credit system,cost,and
acceptence.where the system sks/credit in the u.s only 12, and student who take
sks/credit under 12 refers to the half-time student while those who take
sks/credit above 12 refer to the full-time student.
Cost in the u.s are expensive, if you are not a state resident or
border-state you have pay out-of state tuition which is more expensive than in-state tuition.
Student enrollment in u.s twice a year. So unlike in indonesia who has
to wait a year to register again.
2. I
decided to choose majors at beginning of college.
Because before I
go to college, I been thinking about my future.
What I want to be when I have graduated with my chosen majors,
wheter in accordance with my ability or no, if not in accordance with my ability,
then I will try as much as possible so that I can pass my choser majors, the
most important thing I can finish my lecture.
3. Because in addition to the hobby of the world
of machinery l also want to be a machine expert and l will create a useful item
for everyone.
4. I
think the college system in Indonesia is good enough but the thing that greatly
affects the lecture system in indoseia is the lack of teaching staff such as lecturers.
Kamis, 14 September 2017
I'm Irul
Wa rahmatullahi Wa barokatuh’’
My name is Choirul Suroso. my nick name is irul, I am 17 years old, my hobby is playing table tennis. I come from Sekadau city, province kalimantan barat. I am the 2 and child of 3 brothers, I was born in Sekadau, 28 September 1999.
First I started my education at Elementary School 05 Seberang Kapuas in 2006-2012, after I graduated in Elementary School, I continued my education to Junior High School 05 in Seberang Kapuas in 2012 and I graduated in junior high school at 2015. Then I continued my education at State Vocational School 1 Sekadau in 2015-2017, and I was able to complete my education for about 12 years with the maximum extent possible.
At first I did not intend to continue higher education, my willingness to me still at vocational high School is a machine course in Surabaya. At first I did not want to continue with higher education, but the thought changed rapidly. By the time I graduate in vocational school, I would like to continue my higher education again. Namely studying at Tanjungpura University with my chosen course, that is Mechanical Engineering.
Why am I changing my mind, and want to continue my education?
The answer, because I think if I continue my education. I will definitely get many lessons and experiences that I may not have had for 12 years, and I think if I can finish my education in this school well. Firstly, my parents, family, and I. Will be very proud to be able to finish this college education. Secondly, I thought I would be easy to get the job I wanted. Thirdly, I hope that I will be able to make a living for the people.
"We may draw up a plan, but what determines that plan is what creates us"
So many introductions from me, thank you.
‘’Waalaikum'salam Wa rahmatullahi Wa barokatuh’’
My name is Choirul Suroso. my nick name is irul, I am 17 years old, my hobby is playing table tennis. I come from Sekadau city, province kalimantan barat. I am the 2 and child of 3 brothers, I was born in Sekadau, 28 September 1999.
First I started my education at Elementary School 05 Seberang Kapuas in 2006-2012, after I graduated in Elementary School, I continued my education to Junior High School 05 in Seberang Kapuas in 2012 and I graduated in junior high school at 2015. Then I continued my education at State Vocational School 1 Sekadau in 2015-2017, and I was able to complete my education for about 12 years with the maximum extent possible.
At first I did not intend to continue higher education, my willingness to me still at vocational high School is a machine course in Surabaya. At first I did not want to continue with higher education, but the thought changed rapidly. By the time I graduate in vocational school, I would like to continue my higher education again. Namely studying at Tanjungpura University with my chosen course, that is Mechanical Engineering.
Why am I changing my mind, and want to continue my education?
The answer, because I think if I continue my education. I will definitely get many lessons and experiences that I may not have had for 12 years, and I think if I can finish my education in this school well. Firstly, my parents, family, and I. Will be very proud to be able to finish this college education. Secondly, I thought I would be easy to get the job I wanted. Thirdly, I hope that I will be able to make a living for the people.
"We may draw up a plan, but what determines that plan is what creates us"
So many introductions from me, thank you.
‘’Waalaikum'salam Wa rahmatullahi Wa barokatuh’’
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